The Harms of Soft Drinks

In this modern era, it’s common for young people to quench their thirst with soft drinks. If you were to know the harms associated with them, you would be afraid to even touch them. Our ancestors advised us to drink buttermilk or coconut water to quench our thirst. They drank these and lived healthy lives.

When the sun is scorching hot, many people buy and consume carbonated bottled beverages. However, medical experts warn that excessive consumption of carbonated drinks is harmful.

Consuming soft drinks can lead to:

  • Increased acidity and digestive problems: The acids in soft drinks can irritate the stomach lining and cause indigestion.
  • Tooth decay: The high sugar content and acids erode tooth enamel, leading to cavities and tooth loss. The chemicals can also contribute to bone diseases.
  • Addiction: The carbon dioxide in carbonated drinks creates a sensation on the tongue that can lead to addiction.
  • Kidney stones: Carbonated beverages increase the risk of developing kidney stones.
  • Weight gain: The soda content in these drinks contributes to weight gain.
  • Type 2 diabetes: The high sugar content increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Dehydration: Even though soft drinks may initially quench thirst, they can actually lead to dehydration.

Even diet soft drinks, when consumed in excess (more than two cups a day), can be harmful.