50 Home Remedies for Common Ailments

Chest Congestion
Mix camphor in coconut oil, heat it well, let it cool down, and then apply it on the chest to relieve chest congestion.

Grind together 5-6 basil leaves, a small piece of dry ginger, and 2 cloves. Apply this paste on the forehead to relieve headache.

Throat Irritation
Dry roast dry ginger, pepper, long pepper, and cardamom seeds, make a powder, and mix it with honey. Consume this mixture to soothe throat irritation.

Persistent Hiccups
Extract the juice from an Indian gooseberry (Amla) and mix it with honey. Consuming this can relieve persistent hiccups.

Boil curry leaves, ginger, and cumin seeds in water, strain it, and drink to alleviate indigestion. Alternatively, make a paste of curry leaves, dry ginger, cumin seeds, and carom seeds (ajwain) and consume it. Chewing betel leaf with 4 peppercorns can also help.

Dry and powder neem flowers, then drink it with warm water to relieve flatulence.

Stomach Pain
Roast fenugreek seeds in ghee, powder them, and mix in buttermilk. Drink this to relieve stomach pain.

Skin Diseases
Dry orange peels in sunlight, powder them, and use this powder as a substitute for soap while bathing to help with skin diseases.

Nasal Congestion
Peel a piece of dry ginger, boil it in half a liter of water until it reduces, add milk and sugar, and drink it in the morning and evening to relieve nasal congestion.

Eye Irritation and Body Heat
Soak fenugreek seeds, grind them, and apply the paste on the scalp. After it dries, wash it off to relieve eye irritation and body heat.

Stomach Cramps
Drink the water used to wash rice with a pinch of salt and ghee to quickly relieve stomach cramps.

Chew on mint seeds to relieve toothache. Alternatively, dry mint leaves, powder them, and mix with salt to brush your teeth. It can cure toothache in a couple of days.

Mouth Ulcers
Chew coconut with poppy seeds to cure mouth ulcers. Alternatively, hold a piece of myrobalan (kadukkai) in the mouth to heal ulcers.

Drink juice extracted from fresh coriander leaves every morning to alleviate headaches.

Abdominal Bloating
Burn vasambu (sweet flag root), mix the ash with any edible oil (sesame, coconut, or lamp oil), and apply it on the lower abdomen to relieve bloating.

Mix a quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder in rice water and drink it to relieve bloating and indigestion. Alternatively, mix dry ginger, palm sugar, and 4 peppercorns, powder it, and consume twice a day.

Hip Pain
Mix a teaspoon of ghee with cumin seeds in rice water and drink to relieve hip pain.

Body Odor
Add alum (padikaram) to bath water to reduce body odor.

Body Ache
Boil sambrani (benzoin resin), turmeric, and sugar, and mix with milk and jaggery. Drink this to relieve body aches.

Non-Healing Wounds
Burn turmeric, powder it, and mix with coconut oil. Apply this paste on wounds in the morning and night to speed up healing.

Eye Problems
Boil white lotus flowers in equal parts of cow’s milk and water. Let the steam reach the eyes to relieve eye problems.

Add crushed dry ginger to boiling drinking water. Drink this regularly to relieve constipation. Alternatively, eat two bananas at night or drink lukewarm water mixed with half a teaspoon of myrobalan powder in the morning.

Store powdered long pepper in a container and take a pinch mixed with honey after meals to relieve phlegm.

Memory Power
Dry and powder vallarai keerai (Indian pennywort). Consuming a teaspoon of this powder daily increases memory power.

Diarrhea (Seetabathi)
Soak fenugreek, grind it, mix with yogurt, and consume thrice a day to cure diarrhea.

Frequent Belching
Powder neem flowers, take 4 pinches, mix with ginger juice, and consume to stop frequent belching.

Insect Bites
If bitten by ants or other insects, rub a piece of onion on the affected area to reduce pain and swelling.

Weight Loss
Consuming horse gram (kollu) can help overweight individuals lose weight and tone their bodies.

Stomach Ulcers
Drink a mixture of beetroot juice and honey to heal stomach ulcers.

Grind curry leaves with cumin seeds to make a paste, and consume with water to stop diarrhea.

Mix lime with a little honey or jaggery to make a paste. Apply it on the boil and cover with a betel leaf to reduce pain and swelling.

Apply curd all over the body during a bath to get rid of skin rashes.

Mix egg yolk with cow’s ghee, make a paste, and consume to relieve fatigue.

Urinary Infections
Boil barley in water and drink when cooled down to relieve urinary infections. You can also mix fenugreek powder in coconut water and drink.

Breast Milk Supply
Add fenugreek to rice and make porridge. Consuming this increases breast milk supply.

Fair Skin for Babies
Pregnant women can eat tender coconut water and musk melon regularly to have a fair-skinned baby.

Burns and Scalds
Apply ground asafetida on burnt areas to reduce irritation and prevent blisters.

Bile Disorders
Drink a mixture of carrot juice and honey to relieve bile disorders and strengthen the body.

Cold and Cough
Consume roasted onion to relieve cold and phlegm.

Forehead Wounds
Mix bilva tree bark with sandalwood, apply on the wound on the forehead to speed up healing.

Nasal Congestion
Avoid sleeping directly under a fan at night and use a higher pillow. Sleep on your side to reduce nasal congestion.

Memory and Nerve Strength
Regular consumption of lady’s finger can strengthen nerves and improve memory.

Heart Attack Prevention
Boil dry ginger, pepper, long pepper, lotus petals, and jaggery in water, strain, and drink a cup at night to prevent heart attacks.

Blood Clots and Cholesterol
Grate white pumpkin, season with salt, ginger, green chilies, coriander, curry leaves, and mustard seeds, and mix with yogurt to make a salad that helps control blood clots, cholesterol, and dizziness.

Muscle Cramps
Boil water with pepper powder and camphor, soak a cloth in it, and apply on the cramped area. Alternatively, apply turpentine oil.

Drink a mixture of Bermuda grass juice and buttermilk to help manage diabetes.

Menstrual Disorders and Heart Disease
Soak dry raisins in lukewarm water for half an hour and drink it in the morning to relieve menstrual disorders and heart disease.

Cold and Cough, Constipation, Obesity
Giving snake gourd leaf juice to children in the morning can relieve cold, cough, and constipation. Eating snake gourd can also help reduce obesity.

Boil peas, cool them down, mix with tomato juice, and consume daily to increase body strength.

Oil Massage for Babies
Do not feed green leafy vegetables to babies on the day they are given an oil massage and bath.